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USSSA Fastpitch pins & Fastpitch pins!

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USSSA Fastpitch Pins - USSSA Fastpitch World Series Trading Pins

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USSSA Trading Pins

Metro Pins :: USSSA Fastpitch National Pins

Metro Pins is a trusted supplier for customized USSSA Fastpitch World Series trading pins.  Get your nationals pins through Metro Pins and be sure you have not only us, but USSSA Fastpitch on your side when you place your order.  Whether you're going to the USSSA Fastpitch World Series or another fastpitch nationals, you should be ordering with Metro Pins. 

Request Your Pin Design Here

USSSA Fastpitch lapel pins What kind of trading pin should you get?  99% of USSSA Fastpitch trading pins are typically either soft enamel pins or photoscreen pins.  Soft enamel pins let you feel the texture of the pin design on the surface of the pin.  Photoscreen pins are smooth and shiny, giving you full color and great detail.  About 60% of USSSA Fastpitch world series pins are soft enamel (sometimes called die struck with color added) and the other 40% are photoscreen pins (or some similar printed trading pin type).

Compare photoscreen & soft enamel pins

What size pin should I order?  Don't go too small!  Small fastpitch pins are frequently shunned by players.  The average USSSA Fastpitch pin size is 1.75".  We'd suggest at least 1.50", but no smaller.  Be smart when designing too... why spend money on a spinner or a blinking LEDs if you've got an undersized trading pin?  Get a good sized pin first, and if your budget permits... go for the extras.  Bigger pins are much better than small pins with 'extras'. 

How many USSSA Fastpitch World Series pins do I need?  USSSA Fastpitch pin orders fluctuate based upon the number of teams in the tournament.  Plan to have enough pins for each player to trade with each team (plus a couple extras for family).  Unsure how many teams there will be?  Don't wait for the final team list or you'll pay a lot for rush shipping!!!  Just look up last year's team count and add 10%, that will be close enough to the count you'll need. 

When do I need to order our USSSA Fastpitch Global World Series pins?  First get your pin design completed with us.  Do it early though... your pin design can wait for you to get your funds ready to order your pins.  Don't wait until June to order!  60% of teams order then.  Soft enamel pins take more time to make (they are colored by hand), don't wait to long to order.  Don't get caught in the traffic jam if you can avoid it.

EXPERT TIP:  Raise team funds early in the season, or see if someone on the team will front the purchase and then reimburse them when you get your fundraising done. 

USSSA Fastpitch World Series Trading Pins...

USSSA Fastpitch Nationals Pins
USSSA Fastpitch World Series Pins

Hard Enamel Lapel Pins

Soft Enamel Lapel Pins

Heavy Photoscreen Lapel Pins

Photoscreen Lapel Pins

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